Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How France Overcame Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

    A mixture of mandates and incentives helped France overcome vaccine hesitancy and encouraged millions to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The government campaign was so successful that some of the restrictions – like the requirement to show a health pass with vaccine status or recent test results before entering public spaces, like a restaurant or train- might soon be eased. Other mandates included requiring masks at primary schools and vaccination for health care workers, with those refusing to face suspension. The health pass requirement is credited with avoiding mass shutdowns again as the delta variant spreads.

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  • The N.F.L. Had Over 700 Coronavirus Positives. The Seahawks Had None.

    During the NFL's 2020/21 season, "700 players, coaches and other team personnel tested positive for the coronavirus," but none of those individuals were associated with the Seattle Seahawks – the only team that lasted the entire season without one positive case. The Seahawks enacted strict protocols such as dividers between showers and lockers, upgraded ventilation systems, daily testing, and a mobile meal app, but they also relied on innovative tactics like creating a competition for which position group could maintain the fewest close contacts.

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  • Covid-Certified Businesses Try to Woo Leery Patrons

    Colorado counties have launched "The 5-star Certification Program" as a way to incintivize businesses to comply with COVID-related precautions. Businesses that join the program must agree to adhere to certain public health protocols, and in return they are held to less stringent rules that those who are not part of the program. Although it is yet to be seen if this is an effective method to slow the spread of the virus, the program has spread to other states as a way of avoiding economic devastation.

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  • One Case, Total Lockdown: Australia's Lessons for a Pandemic World

    Australia's aggressive and strict protocols surrounding COVID-19 have helped the country to return to normalcy and avoid high death tolls and transmission rates, especially compared to the U.S. and Europe. Although the approach has included strict lockdowns, the community has reacted largely from a perspective of "short-term pain for collective gain."

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  • How the CARES Act Forgot America's Most Vulnerable Hospitals

    The CARES Act was meant to help small businesses, including hospitals, find financial stability during the coronavirus pandemic, but confusing guidelines and a lack of oversight have impeded the success. This reality has been especially difficult for rural hospitals, some of which "have left millions in relief aid untouched, spiraling deeper into debt for fear that the wrong decision could force them to return money."

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  • Amid Covid Health Worker Shortage, Foreign-Trained Professionals Sit on Sidelines

    A small cohort of states have eased restrictions and eliminated beauracratic barriers for foreign-trained doctors to practice medicine in the U.S. during the coronavirus pandemic as a means of better staffing hospitals. The states that have created these temporary licenses for "foreign-trained nurses, certified nurse’s aides, physician assistants and many other health professionals" have recieved numerous applications, although not all who apply qualify.

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  • How New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo failed, then succeeded, on Covid-19

    Although public health experts agree that New York was initially slow to implement protocols to protect citizens from COVID-19, they also agree that the state was able to gain control over the virus due to the actions the governor and the public eventually took. Protocols that have proved successful for the state include a mask mandate, a stay-at-home order and a delay in reopeneing businesses despite a decrease in cases.

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  • Work obsessed Japanese learn to take it easy, with a ‘workation'

    The Japanese government is embracing the idea of "workation" trips for employees across industries as a means to "help the travel industry and keep the economy ticking" as the country moves forward in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Discounts for various travel resources have encouraged 4.2 million people to try out the idea which has been made even more feasible due to the widespread adoption of remote teleworking.

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  • In pandemic recovery, New York has had more success than Mass. What explains the gap?

    New York's success in eventually controlling the spread of coronavirus can be attributed to a few key factors. Unlike Massachusetts, which experienced fluctuating COVID-19 infections on its way to recovery, New York has had a steady decline. Strict social distancing guidelines and tough enforcement of businesses that did not adhere to the rules, proved effective in keeping infection rates low. NY also banned indoor dining which was allowed as early as June in MA.

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  • Dutch Cooperation Made an ‘Intelligent Lockdown' a Success

    The Netherlands approach of balancing the potential for future economic hardship with the current risk of Covid-19 spreading has appeared to have helped the country to flatten the curve of cases faster than other areas that implemented mandatory lockdown measures. Although critics of this "controlled distribution" approach point out that the country has still seen thousands of deaths and could see future waves of outbreaks, at this point in time, "the Netherlands has both flattened the curve and kept life tolerable."

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