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  • Tool for police reform rarely used by local prosecutors

    A growing number of prosecutors compile lists of police officers deemed untrustworthy witnesses, information they disclose to defense lawyers to prevent unjust criminal convictions. Called "Brady lists" or "do not call" lists, the practice is arguably a constitutional requirement for a fair trial. Broad disclosure of such a list in Philadelphia led to the dismissal of more than 2,000 convictions. Yet many prosecutors fail to keep such lists or ignore categories of misconduct like the use of excessive force. Police unions and privacy laws have helped block the effective use of Brady lists in some places.

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  • In the San Luis Valley, a small town is using civic engagement to improve lives

    The Family Leadership Training Institute of Colorado is a community-driven collaborative aimed at increasing civic participation and collaboration between diverse stakeholders. The 20-week program focuses on cultivating leadership skills and teaching participants how to use their voice to advocate in their community's interests. Participants are able to develop a plan for civic engagement and receive help instituting it, including connections among government agencies. Program graduates have designed programming to strengthen their communities and started businesses with social goals.

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  • Dozens of states have tried to end qualified immunity. Police officers and unions helped beat nearly every bill.

    Fifteen months after Colorado became the first state to strip law enforcement officers of their legal immunity from civil lawsuits for misconduct on the job, only one lawsuit has been filed over a notorious incident and no real evidence has materialized that police department staffing will be gutted by resignations or recruiting problems. The 2020 social justice protest movement inspired dozens of proposed laws to end the practice called qualified immunity. All but Colorado's bill failed, based on dire warnings from police unions. The Colorado law exposes officers to damages up to $25,000.

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  • Why bother? Greater Cleveland's youth rise to the task of local civic engagement

    Cleveland high school students created, a website that centralizes information about local elections. A political alignment survey on the site assesses users’ opinions on important political issues to match them with local candidates. The group focuses outreach on drop-off voters, people who reliably vote in national elections but not local ones. These voters tend to be younger, on average, and cite a lack of information about local candidates and issues as the main reason for not voting. After creating the website, the group got a grant from Cleveland Votes to continue engaging young voters.

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  • Austin wants to be a model of modern policing, but the future remains unclear

    After years of inaction on police reform measures, Austin city leaders raced to restructure and cut resources from the city's police department after the 2020 nationwide social justice protests followed close on the heels of another in a series of controversial police shootings in Austin. By freezing hiring of new officers and shifting $140 million to other agencies, the city was among the biggest cities making the earliest, boldest moves to reform policing. A year later, a severe shortage of patrol officers and rising violence has sparked a new round of debate about where the city goes from here.

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  • Surprising Data Shows Political Letter-Writing Still Gets Out the Vote

    Vote Forward, an apolitical non-profit organization aimed at turning out voters, coordinated more than 50 partner organizations to boost turnout in the 2020 election through a letter-writing campaign. The letters were largely non-partisan, with letter writers encouraging people to vote rather than asking them to vote for a particular candidate. The low-cost, low-pressure tactic also brought in many first-time volunteers, with over 200,000 people writing letters. Organizers consider the campaign to be very successful, translating to about 126,000 votes in 21 states, or one percentage point nationwide.

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  • California outlawed the all-white-male boardroom. That move is reshaping corporate America

    A 2018 law requires all publicly traded companies headquartered in California have at least one woman on their board, and as many as three women by the end of 2021 depending on the company’s size. The law, inspired by those in Europe, caused a ripple effect nationwide where women now occupy 50% more corporate board seats than before California’s law. The Nasdaq exchange became an influential force recently by requiring that nearly all of its listed companies’ boards have one woman and one person of color or a person who identifies as LGBTQ. Despite challenges, federal regulators approved the requirement.

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  • California's new vote-by-mail system is a big win for marginalized groups

    A new California law makes universal mail-in voting permanent after it was temporarily adopted for the 2020 election in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Expansion of mail-in voting in 2020 resulted in higher voter turnout, especially among low-income and communities of color. Moving forward, all voters will receive a ballot in the mail 29 days before each election. Voters can fill out their ballot, return it using a prepaid envelope or drop it in a secure drop box, and track in transit online. They also still have the choice to vote in person.

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  • 'They Saw Me And Thought The Worst'

    Comparing police accountability in Jefferson Parish, La. to neighboring New Orleans reveals a stark contrast because of federally imposed reforms in New Orleans. Jefferson's sheriff's office, one of the nation's largest police agencies not using body cameras, has a weak internal investigation process and lack of transparency for its use of force, which is influenced by race. New Orleans had similar problems until a Justice Department report led to a package of reforms that have helped reduce the use of force and increased accountability and transparency.

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  • Undocumented Workers Who Power New York's Economy Finally Get Pandemic Aid

    Thousands of undocumented immigrants who lost their jobs during the pandemic can now receive aid through New York's Excluded Workers Fund. The $2.1 billion fund is the largest of its kind and the result of 18 months of lobbying, protests, and campaigning by community groups. Approved applicants can qualify for $15,600 or $3,200, depending on their ability to prove New York residence, previous employment, and lost income. Applications and fund information is made available in 13 languages and partnerships with grassroots organizations has been critical to reaching people who are eligible to apply.

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