Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a small town reclaimed its grid and sparked a community revolution

    In Wolfhagen, Germany, one man led the quest to take back the electricity supply into the hands of the public. By entering a lengthy negotiation with E.ON, one of the biggest energy companies in the world, Martin Rühl demonstrated that public ownership of utilities would save residents money and empower them, as well. The small German town is now using its extra funding to explore renewable energy, acting as a leader for municipalities across Europe.

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  • On Drug Pricing, States Step In Where Washington Fails

    Large pharmaceutical companies may be in trouble as state legislatures nationwide are passing laws that force big pharma to be more transparent about their prices, and forcing the utilization of generic alternatives under Medicaid coverage. Additionally, some states are pushing to allow patients to order the prescriptions they need from companies in Canada who are willing to sell the same drugs at a much lower cost to the consumer. These policies encourage free-market competition that may lower the cost of life-saving medications in the near future.

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  • Why good policies go wrong: Seattle's botched bikeshare model

    Traffic for both everyday commuters and tourists in big cities has increasingly become more of a hassle across nations. Various cities like Portland, Oregon have found success with bikeshare models. Seattle, however, found failure with this approach first. By learning from what didn't work, the city has been able to pilot new bikeshare models that so far are showing more potential than limitations.

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  • Süddeutsche Zeitung is improving the way media reports on political polls

    In 2017, German newsroom Suddeutsche Zeitung began reporting election polling numbers in such a way that the uncertainty of the poll—caused by a limited sample size or respondents lying to pollsters—was visualized in the reporting. Through this method, information is conveyed to readers but in such a way that doesn’t erase uncertainty and doubt about the results.

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  • Safe, happy and free: does Finland have all the answers?

    In the past 150 years, Finland has gone from famine-ridden to renowned as one of the world’s strongest democracies with leading global rankings in health, education, and innovation. Culture is key to this transformation. Finns are both self-reliant and highly cooperative with a long history of putting independence, freedom, and opportunity for all people front and center in policymaking.

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  • Gun Violence Survivors Struggle to Claim Funds Available to Victims of Crime

    States and the U.S. Congress have set aside billions to compensate victims of crime to help with things like medical bills, relocation costs and counseling, but because of the numerous restrictions on applying for the funds and misconceptions about them, many victims never get help. There are efforts by some states and a police chiefs association to improve access to the money and fund programs offering trauma recovery and assistance in applying for compensation, but many gaps remain.

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  • What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn

    Teenagers consume a large amount of pornographic media at the same time that they are developing ideas about their sexual identity and preferences. A “porn literacy” class offered to Boston high school students helps them to better understand the dynamics of what they are seeing and avoid the growth of potential harmful ideas about body image, consent, and expectations.

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  • How to Fight Gentrification With a Comic Book

    The diverse Frogtown neighborhood in St. Paul, Minnesota is filled with immigrants from all over the world. However, warning signs of gentrification are hinting at rising home prices that threaten the affordability of the area for its long-time residents. To ensure the neighborhood’s vision for the future is clear and accessible, local artists transformed the small area plan into a graphic novel that is helping residents have a voice in their community’s future.

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  • Tracking The Air We Breathe

    While asthma has a large impact—including being the most common reason for school absence—data on the disease can be difficult to collect. An app called Propeller has been developed which tracks medication use among people with asthma and analyzes usage against 30 different environmental factors that can impact air quality and respitory health.

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  • States require doctors to use prescription drug monitoring systems for patients

    Prescription drug mointoring programs provide a doctor with information about a patient’s prescriptions and—in some states—drug-related hospitalizations and arrests. With this tool, doctors are better able to identify drug-seeking behavior and intervene with at risk patients.

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